Frank firmly believes that in any endeavor, taking that first single step is absolutely necessary; without it, nothing ever happens. Referring to relationships, there are three distinct points one needs to know, take heed of, and put into practice. 1 ; WORDS --- Create an impact. 2 ; MONEY --- A dangerous weapon or a booster. 3 ; WISDOM --- To know that all are mere travelers, diversified by different goals. WORDS ; he realizes, are the most powerful resources one has, either to build or break relationships. Sometimes in a fit of temper, nasty things are said to one another, which one does not really mean; and later regrets what was said on calming down. Also, "WORDS ' directed at others, can either make or break a person. positive strokes especially by parents to children, or teachers to students, can work wonders!. Hence the foremost step is to choose our words carefully, avoiding negative terms, or statements, that would eith...